What is the circular economy?
In the circular economy system, we use less raw material, we design products for long-life and recyclability, we share products, we use them for longer and we reuse and repair things before we recycle or throw them away.
Source: https://www.epa.ie/environment-and-you/circular-economy/
The principles of the circular economy tell us that we need to revolutionise the 'take-make-waste' system. How we handle resources, how we make and use products, and what we do with the materials afterwards. By doing this, we can facilitate a thriving economy that can benefit everyone.
Our business is based on the circular economy model. We re-purpose, revise, re-use, recreate and provide end of use Sets with their second, third, fourth chance to shine in the spotlight.
Bless them. They deserve it.
What is Carbon offsetting?
Carbon offsetting is one of a range of tools available to combat climate change. Carbon offsetting can help by reducing carbon dioxide emissions around the world. As greenhouse gases affect the earth’s atmosphere worldwide, reducing or compensating for CO2 emissions anywhere in the world benefits us all.
The Irish government and carbon offsetting: In the Programme for Government and the Climate Act 2021, Ireland committed to halving our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2050 at the latest. The Climate Action Plan is how we'll all do it. It’s our path to a secure future for ourselves and future generations.You can find more information here.
We will be working with Go Carbon Neutral 2022 and The Nature Trust through membership contributing to the planting of trees which gives us a warm fuzzy feeling inside! This said, we intend to become completely carbon neutral as a business harnessing wind power in the near future and finding ways to best monitor our electricity usage using the greenest options available to us until then.
We will be using eco friendly paints and practises, particularly with regards to re-purposing painted wood from broken down Sets. We believe nothing should end up in landfill sites.